Why Mahlet?
We understand the critical importance of sacred music as a powerful tool to effectively communicate the gospel to the unsaved and to edify and inspire the believer.

Christian music through
Facilitate the production of high quality and inspiring Christian music through training in lyrics, music composition, and vocal music.
Enable worship leaders to guide the congregation into intimate worship experience with the living God.
Host annual
Host annual recognition ceremonies and sacred music festivals wherein public recognition is conferred to the most deserving and committed Christian songwriters, composers, instrumentalists, vocalists and others involved in sacred music production and delivery.
Timeless Christian songs
Preserve, archive, and disseminate Bible-centered, highly meritorious, and timeless Christian songs, both in electronic and in print form.
we are committed to Excellence in Worship and Music
We believe that biblically based corporate worship is essential to the growth, development and multiplication of the Church.
- It provides a means for the people of God to have communion with God, connecting and engaging with God. (Lev 26:12; 1Pet 2:9);
- It provides God’s people a structure and vocabulary to express praise and adoration (1Jn 4:19);
- It helps change and transform the worshiper in order to walk in the ways of God and become imitators of Christ (Jn. 4:24; 2Cor 5:20); (4) It helps God’s people connect with one another at the heart level (Eph. 5:19; 1Thes 5:11).
SINCE 2012
Years Experience
Host annual recognition ceremonies and sacred music festivals wherein public recognition.